Dyslexia in adults: symptoms and how to deal with it
Dyslexia in adults may not be diagnosed as much as in children. However, according to recent data, it is estimated that 1 out of 10 people in the world are affected by it. In the US alone, more than 40 million US adults have dyslexia, with only 2 million of them receiving a diagnosis.
In this article we’ll explain why can dyslexia get diagnosed so late, what are the symptoms to pay attention to and what tools can help deal with it.
Why do many adults get a late diagnosis?
In schools today, staff are informed about this issue, thus able to promptly report any learning difficulties in children. But this has not always been the case, consequently many cases go undiagnosed until adulthood. Nowadays things have changed. Schools and teachers must take into account dyslexia diagnoses by implementing useful strategies to protect children's and young people's right to study. This is as far as recent history is concerned, but in the past the topic of DSA was all but ignored.

What are the symptoms of dyslexia in adults?
Several studies point out some differences in dyslexia in adulthood compared to that in school age. Adults with SLD typically struggle to read slowly and accurately, have trouble understanding what they are reading, and have trouble remembering or summarizing what they have read. Additionally, a lot of individuals have to deal with time management, planning, and organizing issues, as well as spelling and vocabulary deficiencies. Writing errors, on the other hand, are not as common and have less of an influence, mainly thanks to education.
Adults with dyslexia may choose careers that are under their true ability or forgo additional education, which can have an impact on both their academic progress and employment choices.
Additionally, studies reveal that mood and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in those who suffer from an SLD. These people frequently have lower expectations for accomplishment, less tenacity, and feel helpless and inadequate.
Dyslexia diagnosis and treatment in adults
In case you suspect that you have a specific learning disorder, it is essential to undergo a targeted examination with experts in these therapies. This is the only way to identify a treatment that will allow you to deal with it appropriately.
Most therapies that are based on active rehabilitation of the patient. Some of the systems and methods used are prismatic lenses, auditory reeducation, posture correction and neuromuscular reeducation. Technology also plays a very important part in the treatment of SLDs. For instance, text-to-speech apps like Speak4Me are a great tool that can help dyslexic people read. Thanks to artificial intelligence, Speak4Me can turn any text into speech. Listening and reading at the same time is proven to increase comprehension. Speak4Me makes it possible to select the dyslexia font and to adjust the reading speed, so everyone can practice at their own pace. The app features 80+ natural sounding voices in 25+ different languages and accents.

Why is it important to diagnose dyslexia? Because by giving a name and a cause to the daily difficulties the patient faces, they can finally stop feeling inadequate and discover strategies for better living.
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