Read any text

Read any text out loud

Use our text to speech reader to convert docs, PDFs, epubs, emails or any other text into audio and read them aloud.

Speak4me app read feature in iPhone
Speak4me app read feature in iPhone
Speak4me app read feature in iPhone

Boost your productivity by listening on the go

Improve comprehension by engaging both sight and hearing

Overcome reading issues due to dyslexia

Natural sounding voices will read any text aloud for you

Use Speak4Me to convert any text to audio, listen on the go and do more at once.

Import your files from different sources

Import any file from iCloud, Dropbox and Drive. New integrations coming soon.

Set the reading speed as you prefer

Are you in a hurry and need to read a text as fast as you can? Don’t worry, Speak4Me’s got you covered!

Man multitasking with Speak4Me
Man multitasking with Speak4Me
Man multitasking with Speak4Me

Listen instead of reading, and do more at once

Listen instead of reading, and do more at once

Listen instead of reading, and do more at once

Turn any text into spoken audio so you can multitask and get more done in less time.

This is what Speak4Me was born for. We want to give a voice to all those people
who don’t have one.

Improve your focus

Improve your focus

Improve your focus

By engaging both your eyes and ears, you connect various parts of your brain. This means better encoding, retention, and understanding of the content you're consuming.

This is what Speak4Me was born for. We want to give a voice to all those people
who don’t have one.

2 students using iPhone
2 students using iPhone
2 students using iPhone
Young student using iPad and Speak4me to overcome reading issues
Young student using iPad and Speak4me to overcome reading issues
Young student using iPad and Speak4me to overcome reading issues

Overcome reading issues

Overcome reading issues

Overcome reading issues

Improve your reading experience with Text-to-Speech technology, which offers valuable support for individuals with dyslexia or ADHD or any other type of SLD.

This is what Speak4Me was born for. We want to give a voice to all those people
who don’t have one.

“Amazing tool that saves you a lot of time. It reads text out loud when I’m dealing with other stuff. Really boosted my productivity.”

App Store User

“Amazing tool that saves you a lot of time. It reads text out loud when I’m dealing with other stuff. Really boosted my productivity.”

App Store User

“Amazing tool that saves you a lot of time. It reads text out loud when I’m dealing with other stuff. Really boosted my productivity.”

App Store User

Girl listening Speak4Me

is free for schools

Let’s make school, university and

college accessible for everyone.

Let’s make school, university and college accessible for everyone.

Girl listening Speak4Me

is free for schools

Let’s make school, university andcollege accessible for everyone.


Point iPhone

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