Let the app
speak for you

Let the app speak for you

Express yourself the way you want: all you need is to input or paste any text, press play and hear it out loud.

Speak4me app speak feature in iPhone
Speak4me app speak feature in iPhone
Speak4me app speak feature in iPhone

Speak clearly with anyone at any time

Change accent or language as you please

Get access to all phrases used on a daily basis

Group the sentences in separate lists

You will likely find yourself using a set of sentences multiple times a day. With Speak4Me you can star those phrases and have them ready at any time.

Speak with the
help of natural sounding voices

This is what Speak4Me was born for.
We want to give a voice to all those people who don’t have one.

This is what Speak4Me was born for. We want to give a voice to all those people
who don’t have one.

Choose from 80+ voices in 25+ languages

Speak4Me strives for accessibility. We’re updating our voices and languages selection constantly to provide you with the best possible service.

“Wonderful app. Lost the ability to speak due to suffering a stroke. This app is a god send.”

App Store User

“Wonderful app. Lost the ability to speak due to suffering a stroke. This app is a god send.”

App Store User

“Wonderful app. Lost the ability to speak due to suffering a stroke. This app is a god send.”

App Store User

Girl listening Speak4Me

is free for schools

Let’s make school, university and

college accessible for everyone.

Let’s make school, university and college accessible for everyone.

Girl listening Speak4Me

is free for schools

Let’s make school, university andcollege accessible for everyone.


Point iPhone

camera here