Chat with PDF: discover our new feature
Would you ever thought you’d be able to chat with your PDF? Stop spending so long making summaries and retrieving useful info from 50-page long PDF files. We’ve worked very hard here at Speak4Me to make the magic happen and we’re happy to share our new feature with you.
If you’re already familiar with Speak4Me, our awesome text-to-speech app, then feel free to skip to the second chapter. Otherwise, let us do the honours first 🙂

What is Speak4Me?
Speak4Me is an app that can turn any text into speech. By taking advantage of AI technology, we developed a set of enhanced natural sounding voices. Users can either type or paste text, import files or even scan pictures showing text: Speak4Me will read it out loud.
Speak4Me comes with three main purposes:
Help users to speak. This is what the app was originally born for and it’s still the main use case. We deal with people who have lost the ability to express themselves properly, either partially or completed. The reasons could be several: from tooth removal to vocal cord surgery, or even suffering a stroke. The thought of being so crucial for these people is a big responsibility but makes us beyond proud.
Assist users with reading and comprehending text. This represents the direction we’re working towards. Listening and reading at the same time, thus engaging hearing and sight, proves to be extremely helpful for learning and increasing the comprehension of a text. Our main goal is to become a point of reference for all those people who suffer from dyslexia, ADHD or any SLD. We’re looking forward to starting some collaborations with schools and universities to help students with their day-to-day tasks and homework.
Provide users with a business tool. Speak4Me allows you to generate natural sounding voice-overs that could be used in a variety of contexts. Just to mention some: social media and content creation, presentations (either for work or for school), customer service and advertising.

How can I chat with my PDF?
We’ve developed a powerful document assistant by taking advantage of AI. It’s super easy: just upload any file of any length and then chat directly with it. You can ask the file to provide you with any kind of information you may be looking for. You can also get summaries of certain chapters, pages, or even of the whole document. All of this in the blink of an eye. Isn’t it awesome?
The process “ask a question / get an answer” is user friendly and immediate, thanks to the artificial intelligence that powers the app.
This new feature is perfect for:
Students: students of any age can chat with their PDF files to study, learn new things, memorize and prepare for exams or tests.
Working professionals: professionals can save a ton of time by getting rid of the most boring tasks.

What else can I find on Speak4Me?
Here’s all the magic you can find on Speak4Me:
80+ voices (and more are coming!) in 25+ different languages and accents.
Adjust the voice speed.
Dyslexia font.
Karaoke effect while reading.
Document reader.
Photo scanner and reader.
… and now even chat with PDF!
We’re constantly working on improving the current product and adding new features. Make sure not to miss the latest updates.
Download Speak4Me and chat with your PDF!