Homework help apps that will make your life easier
If you’ve landed on this article it means you may be on a hunt for help with your homework. Been there, done that: being a student is no joke, is it?
We know, homework is students’ main daily task but, hey, sometimes it can be difficult or even boring. However, luckily for students these days, there’s a whole set of apps that can help them deal with any kind of homework. Whether you’re at college, at uni, or still in school you might want to check out the tools we’re going to talk about here. We’ve split them into three categories:
Homework Helpers
Text-to-Speech Apps
AI Chatbots
Ready? Let’s get started!
Homework help apps that will save your life
The purpose of homework apps, in short, is to assist you in successfully completing your take-home assignments. Depending on the kind of service you require, they can do anything. From respond to questions you submit online to one-on-one tutoring, from turn your textbook into audio to summarize it! Moreover, the fact that some of them typically provide aid on-demand makes homework help apps a huge benefit. Therefore, you can still get the assistance you require even if you can't make it to after-school tutoring or if you study till the wee hours of the morning.
Homework Helpers
The best homework helpers will assist you in understanding the topic you're having trouble with and/or in submitting your assignments on time. The majority of them allows you to ask questions and receive responses and explanations within seconds.
However, there are other benefits to using a homework helper besides getting speedy responses and solutions to your problems. For instance, many provide resources including instructional videos, lectures, tutorials, sample exams and quizzes, math problem-solving tools, editing services, and even expert Q&A. They can turn education into a fun challenge with leaderboards, badges, & achievements. Also, many of them offer 24/7 expert homework answers, how cool is that?
One of the best generic homework helpers is Brainly. If you need help with Maths we definitely recommend Course Hero and Photomath, while our favorite app for STEM and English Homework is Studypool.

Text-to-speech Apps
Apps that use text-to-speech technology allow you to convert any written or digital text into audio. This AI-driven process is called speech synthesis. You can take advantage of speech synthesizers to listen to any text being read aloud by natural sounding voices.
Text-to-speech apps are able to process most types of file (.PDF,.txt,.html, and occasionally even.jpg images). You should definitely download a voice synthesizers if:
You want to save time and get more done at once. For instance, you can listen to a textbook while taking care of the laundry: that’s some serious multitasking!
You want to read or study faster. Raise their hand who has never crammed the night before a test (guilty 🙋). Most text-to-speech apps allow you to adjut the reading speed. According to some studies, speech synthesizers can increase reading speed by as much as 30%. Awesome, right?
Our favorite text-to-speech app is Speak4Me, without a doubt! It offers a whole variety of functions (discover them all here) and it can be downloaded for free.

AI Chatbots
The use of AI chatbots has grown significantly over the past few months, particularly since the rise of Chat GPT. With these apps, you can ask any question and receive a prompt response. Okay, so let's say you are struggling on Geography homework. You might, say, ask a chatbot to look up information for you, such as the capital city of Australia or the length of the longest river in Germany. In a matter of seconds, you'll know the right answer! Did you know that Australia’s capital city is Canberra, by the way? 😜
There are other apps with AI power that work as document assistants. You are able to immediately chat with any file you upload, regardless of its length. Then you can ask the file to give you whatever information you need or to summarize a specific chapter, a specific page, or even the entire document. Once more, the response will be immediate. For example, when you need to write essays, apps like these are a real godsend.
Our go-to AI chatbot is Chat AI, and ChatPDF AI is the one we'd recommend as a document assistant to help you with homework.

We hope you’ve found this article helpful. If so, please share it with your study buddies: you’ll help them and make us happy! Good luck with your studies 🤙
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